Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Im Done!!

soo im done my graphics class so i wont b posting any more of my class work
but instead ill b posting things i have done for funn :D
soo ne wayss
this semester is kindaa boringgg...
i dont really like english and math is alrightt if i understand it otherwise its anoyingg
aand my other two classes civics and cooking are greattt :P
its snowing out ritee noww
and i hate the coldd but i like snoww
i only wish that snow was warmm
tht would b greatt
soo yeahhh
thts boutt it rite noww
sunnie25~ :D

Friday, January 22, 2010

Bullying PSA

  • This is our Psa on Name calling.The video was trying to portray that "sticks and stones may break my bone's but names will never hurt me" or will they? This quote is not true because names do hurt people and this is what our video is trying to show. The audience of this video would probably be teenagers in high school and it makes them stop calling names because it really hurts.It makes the audience think more about the issue.Also that Name calling does hurt people and it can cause the victim to do things that can hurt themselves. The girl who is getting names called at her, her face shows how she is isolated in the corner and her face is telling a story about how she is lonely and really upset. The people that are calling her these names are examples of name calling.
  • We filmed this video by taking a variety of shots from different angles. We tried to take a variety of different emotions so we can choose from the different clips. We used a message a the beginning and the end to show emotion in the video and make the point. We also added a song in the back round to add a good effect and lowered the music when we talked.
  • For this video i helped with the filming and acting and moving the light for more effect. I also edited some of the video with the wording at the beginning and the end and helped with the placement of cutting the video and placing it in specific spots.
  • Overall i think that this video send a very clear massage to the teens out there that are actually name calling and hurting people that are innocent.
